Venza the Rottweiler and Luna the Panther have become best friends in a very unusual but heartwarming story.
Luna is a beautiful black panther that was born in a travelling zoo in Siberia. In a sad turn of events Luna's mother rejected her baby cub Luna and wouldn't give her the food and nurturing that baby Luna needed in order to survive.
Then in steps superhero Victoria 31 who has previous experience looking after larger cats. Victoria decided to help Luna and provided her with all the nutrients that she needed to survive. Victoria formed a special bond with Luna and eventually purchased the cat and took the cat to her home where she has the perfect environment for her.
Now Victoria has a rottweiler dog by the name of Venza, she spent a while introducing Luna to her dog Venza and eventually these two animals became the best of buds! Watch them play together in the snow below.
As you can see in the video, these two animals are inseparable and really seem to love the company of each other.