There is a Mountain in Oregon USA called Mount Swastika. The mountain with this extremely controversial name is located in a very remote part of Oregon's Umpqua National Forest outside Eugene, Ore.
Now you are probably wondering how on earth a mountain gets named after a symbol associated with Hitler and his Nazis. Well, the mountain and a nearby town were named Swastika in the early 1900s after a local ranch that bore the name and used the symbol to brand cattle. This all happened well before Hitler and his atrocities. The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, states that the symbol originally signified well-being in multiple ancient societies across the globe.
There was a story in the paper about two hikers who were rescued from Mount Swastika earlier this year. 81 year old Joyce McClain read this and was in disbelief that a mountain could be share the same name as a Nazi icon so she decided to do something about it.
Joyce approached the Oregon Historical Society and its Oregon Geographic Names Board, filling out the paperwork to propose a name change. Kerry Tymchuk, executive secretary of the historical society, said McClain is the first person he knows of to submit a request for the mountain.
A vote will take place in a December meeting, after a 60-day comment period and gathering input from tribal authorities in the state. From there, the request will be submitted to the U.S. Board on Geographic Names for final approval.
It is likely that the Mountain's new name will be "Mount Halo" which is certainly a more community friendly title.
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