One of the funniest things to see in sport is a photograph of a divers face mid flight and these photos are proof of that.
Diving is a very intense and serious sport that involves immense concentration, precision and gymnastic ability. When professional divers are flying through the air and spinning with significant velocity, they are using all the muscles in the body and this includes their face muscles!
We have put together the top ten funniest faces made by Olympic divers. Enjoy.
This diver is giving 120% and also has some serious air filling his cheeks.

Because you spin so fast you sometimes can't even keep your eyelids open!

It is not just the guy divers who pull funny faces when they perform. The ladies are experts at it too!

Some people would spend a lot of money on hairspray to get this type of look.

It is essential to curls those toes up if you want to be an excellent platform diver.

It may appear that he is frowning, but this man loves being a competitive diver.

Some serious G-Force is going through those cheek muscles and hair follicles.

Pucker up swimming pool, here I come for a kiss!

That feeling when your hair resembles Alfalfa from the Little Rascals.

Strike a pose there's nothing to it!

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